A car traveling from town A to town B at an average speed of 80 km/h took 54 minutes. Another car took 40 minutes to travel the same distance. What was the difference in their speed in km/h?

since speed = distance/time,

80*54/40 - 54 =


= 72km * 3/2h
108 -80
= 28km/h

oops. Kd was correct. I should have said

80*54/40 - 80

To find the difference in speed between the two cars, we need to first calculate the distance they both traveled.

Let's start with the first car that took 54 minutes to travel from town A to town B at an average speed of 80 km/h.

We know that speed is calculated by dividing distance by time. Rearranging this formula, we can find the distance by multiplying speed and time.

The time for the first car was 54 minutes, which is equal to 54/60 = 0.9 hours (since 1 hour equals 60 minutes).

Let's calculate the distance traveled by the first car:
Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 80 km/h × 0.9 h
Distance = 72 km

Now let's move on to the second car that took 40 minutes to travel the same distance.

Using the same logic, we convert the time for the second car from minutes to hours:
Time = 40/60 = 0.67 hours

Let's calculate the distance traveled by the second car:
Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = ??? × 0.67 h

Now here's the important part. Both cars traveled the same distance. We can set up an equation using the distances of both cars:

72 km = ??? × 0.67 h

To calculate the missing speed for the second car, we divide both sides of the equation by 0.67:
72 km / 0.67 h = ??? km/h

Using a calculator, the second car's speed is approximately 107.5 km/h.

Now we can find the difference in their speeds:
Difference = Speed of first car - Speed of second car
Difference = 80 km/h - 107.5 km/h

Using a calculator, the difference in their speeds is approximately 27.5 km/h.