You drop a ball from a height of 128 meters. Each time it hits the ground, it bounces 50% of its

previous height. How high does the ball go after the ninth time it hits the ground?

To find the height the ball goes after the ninth bounce, we need to calculate the height of each bounce and add them up.


Initial height: 128 meters
Bouncing height: 50% of previous height

Let's calculate the height after each bounce:

1st bounce: 128 meters * 0.5 = 64 meters
2nd bounce: 64 meters * 0.5 = 32 meters
3rd bounce: 32 meters * 0.5 = 16 meters
4th bounce: 16 meters * 0.5 = 8 meters
5th bounce: 8 meters * 0.5 = 4 meters
6th bounce: 4 meters * 0.5 = 2 meters
7th bounce: 2 meters * 0.5 = 1 meter
8th bounce: 1 meter * 0.5 = 0.5 meters
9th bounce: 0.5 meters * 0.5 = 0.25 meters

After the ninth time it hits the ground, the ball will go up to a height of 0.25 meters.

To determine how high the ball goes after the ninth bounce, we can start by finding the height of each bounce.

Given that each bounce is 50% of the previous height, we can represent this mathematically as:

Height of bounce n = (50/100) * Height of bounce n-1

We can calculate the height after each bounce, starting from the initial height of 128 meters.

First bounce: Height = (50/100) * 128 = 64 meters

Second bounce: Height = (50/100) * 64 = 32 meters

Third bounce: Height = (50/100) * 32 = 16 meters

Fourth bounce: Height = (50/100) * 16 = 8 meters

Fifth bounce: Height = (50/100) * 8 = 4 meters

Sixth bounce: Height = (50/100) * 4 = 2 meters

Seventh bounce: Height = (50/100) * 2 = 1 meter

Eighth bounce: Height = (50/100) * 1 = 0.5 meters

Ninth bounce: Height = (50/100) * 0.5 = 0.25 meters

Therefore, after the ninth bounce, the ball reaches a height of 0.25 meters.

This just another GP problem, with

a = 128
r = 1/2