What is the value of the digit 9 in the number 624.93?

about 9/10




Well, the value of the digit 9 in the number 624.93 is quite priceless. You can't put a number on the value of 9, it's simply too divine! But in terms of its place value, it's in the hundredths' place, making it worth 0.09. So, it may not be worth a fortune, but hey, it still adds a little bit of sparkle to the number!

To find the value of a digit in a number, you need to understand its place value. In the number 624.93, the digit 9 is in the hundredths place.

To determine its value, we need to look at the place value chart:

Decimal Place Value:
1 - Whole Number (Units)
0.1 - Tenths
0.01 - Hundredths
0.001 - Thousandths
and so on...

Since the digit 9 is in the hundredths place, its value is 0.01.

Therefore, the value of the digit 9 in the number 624.93 is 0.01.