(1) He is a coach whose record has been amazing.

a. what is the grammatical name of the sentence.
b. what is the grammatical function of the sentence.
(2) Do you remember the restaurant where we ate launch.
a. what is the grammatical name of the sentence.
b. what is the grammatical function of the sentence.
(3) Whenever i am with him, he misbehaves.
a. what is the grammatical name of the sentence.
b. what is the grammatical function of the sentence.

I’ll be happy to check your answers.

I'll do your first one, assuming I know what those directions mean.
1.a. complex sentence
1.b. declarative sentence (statement)



a. The grammatical name of the sentence is a declarative sentence with a relative clause.

b. The grammatical function of the sentence is to describe and provide information about the subject ("He").


a. The grammatical name of the sentence is an interrogative sentence.

b. The grammatical function of the sentence is to ask a question and seek information.


a. The grammatical name of the sentence is a complex sentence with a subordinate clause.

b. The grammatical function of the sentence is to express a conditional relationship between two actions or events.


a. The sentence "He is a coach whose record has been amazing" is an example of a complex sentence. It consists of two clauses connected by the relative pronoun "whose" and the verb "is".

b. The grammatical function of the sentence is to provide information about the subject, "He", and describe his occupation and record.

To identify the grammatical name and function of a sentence, you can analyze its structure and parts of speech. In this case, you can see that the sentence contains a subject ("He"), a verb ("is"), a complement ("a coach"), and a relative clause ("whose record has been amazing") that serves as an adjective to describe the noun phrase "a coach". The relative clause provides additional information about the coach's record. This analysis helps determine the grammatical name (complex sentence) and function (providing descriptive information) of the sentence.

a. The sentence "Do you remember the restaurant where we ate lunch" is an example of an interrogative sentence. It is used to ask a question and seeks information.

b. The grammatical function of the sentence is to inquire about the listener's memory of a specific restaurant and the act of having lunch there.

To identify the grammatical name and function of this sentence, you can analyze its structure and parts of speech. The sentence begins with the auxiliary verb "do" (used to form questions in English), followed by the pronoun "you" (acting as the subject), the main verb "remember", and the noun phrase "the restaurant where we ate lunch". The noun phrase functions as an object of the verb "remember" and also contains a relative clause ("where we ate lunch") providing more information about the restaurant. This analysis helps determine the grammatical name (interrogative sentence) and function (inquiring about the listener's memory) of the sentence.

a. The sentence "Whenever I am with him, he misbehaves" is an example of a complex sentence. It consists of two clauses connected by the subordinating conjunction "whenever".

b. The grammatical function of the sentence is to describe a cause-and-effect relationship, indicating that whenever the speaker is with "him", the person in question misbehaves.

To identify the grammatical name and function of this sentence, you can analyze its structure and parts of speech. The sentence contains a dependent clause ("Whenever I am with him") and an independent clause ("he misbehaves"). The dependent clause functions as an adverbial clause, providing the condition under which the action of the second clause occurs. The independent clause is the main clause and contains the subject ("he") and the verb ("misbehaves"). This analysis helps determine the grammatical name (complex sentence) and function (describing a cause-and-effect relationship) of the sentence.