There are a red roses in a garden. This is twice as many as there are white roses. How many roses are there in all?

red = a

white = a/2
total = a + a/2 = 3/2 a

This is so wrong. I had homework and when i gave it to my teacher it was wrong! So I don't know anymore. You guys are WRONG!!




To find the total number of roses in the garden, we need to know the number of red roses and the number of white roses.

Let's denote the number of white roses as W. According to the information given, there are twice as many red roses as white roses. So, the number of red roses can be represented as 2W.

To find the total number of roses, we add the number of red and white roses together:

Total number of roses = Number of red roses + Number of white roses

Total number of roses = 2W + W

Simplifying the expression, we combine like terms:

Total number of roses = 3W

So, to know the total number of roses, we need to know the number of white roses, W.

There are 2 times as many pink roses as red roses in Amanda's garden. There are 5 more pink roses than red roses. How many red roses are there in Amanda's garden?