spinner is divided into 8 equal parts. find the probability of it landing of P(greater than 3)

so, how many of the 8 numbers are greater than 3?

To find the probability of the spinner landing on a number greater than 3, we need to calculate the number of favorable outcomes and the total number of possible outcomes.

Since the spinner is divided into 8 equal parts, there are a total of 8 possible outcomes.

Out of these, we can identify the numbers greater than 3 on the spinner. These numbers are 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. So, there are 5 favorable outcomes.

Therefore, the probability of the spinner landing on a number greater than 3 is:

P(greater than 3) = favorable outcomes / total possible outcomes
= 5 / 8
= 5/8.

To find the probability of the spinner landing on a number greater than 3, we need to determine the total number of possible outcomes and the number of outcomes that satisfy the condition (greater than 3).

The spinner is divided into 8 equal parts, so the total number of possible outcomes is 8.

To find the number of outcomes that satisfy the condition (greater than 3), we need to count the number of parts on the spinner that have a value greater than 3. Since the spinner has values from 1 to 8, the parts with values greater than 3 are 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Therefore, there are 5 outcomes that satisfy the condition.

So, the probability of the spinner landing on a number greater than 3 is given by:

P(greater than 3) = Number of outcomes that satisfy the condition / Total number of possible outcomes
= 5 / 8

Therefore, the probability of the spinner landing on a number greater than 3 is 5/8.