In the late 1800s and early 1900’s, Canada advertised free land in European newspapers. What effect did these advertisements have on Canada’s population?

A). The Canadian population remained mostly indigenous people or people of French or British descent.
B). The population of indigenous people increased.
C). European immigration to Canada increased. The immigrants contributed to the economy by farming, ranching, mining and trading.
D). Since technology was limited during this time period, the advertisements were ineffective.

my answer is C)


doing a bit of googling,
reading your text,
studying your notes,
using common sense

it should be obvious that the answer is c)

I KNEW IT thank you rainy

The correct answer is C) European immigration to Canada increased. The immigrants contributed to the economy by farming, ranching, mining, and trading.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the information given in the question. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Canada advertised free land in European newspapers. This suggests that Canada was actively encouraging Europeans to immigrate by offering them land for free.

To confirm the effect of these advertisements on Canada's population, we can reason that if the advertising campaign was successful, it would result in increased European immigration to Canada. And because the immigrants would contribute to the economy through farming, ranching, mining, and trading, option C) is the most plausible answer.

To verify this answer, you can conduct further research on Canada's immigration patterns during that time period. Historical sources and data on immigration trends can provide more definitive evidence supporting the increase in European immigration to Canada after the advertising campaign.