Rono cycled from town R at an average speed of 72Km/h and took 3hours30minutes to reach town s.kepha cycled the same distance and took 4 hours. At what average speed was kepha cycling

distance = speed * time. So, Kepha's speed is

(72*3.5)/4 = _____ km/hr

Dr = 72 * 3.5 = 252 km.

Dk = V*T = 252
V*4 = 252
V = ___ km/h.

To find the average speed at which Kepha was cycling, we need to know the distance between town R and town S.

Since both Rono and Kepha cycled the same distance, we can focus on the time it took for Kepha to cycle from R to S, which is 4 hours.

Now, we can use the formula for average speed, which is:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

Let's assume the distance between town R and S is represented by 'd'.

For Rono:
Average Speed = d / 3.5 hours

For Kepha:
Average Speed = d / 4 hours

Since both Rono and Kepha traveled the same distance, we can equate the two equations:

d / 3.5 = d / 4

To solve this equation for average speed, we can use cross-multiplication:

4d = 3.5d


0.5d = 0

This indicates that the distance between town R and town S is zero, which is not possible. Therefore, we cannot determine the average speed at which Kepha was cycling without knowing the distance between the two towns.