Which news stories have the most direct influence on the political process? Select the two correct answers.

effects of new laws**

stock market reports

reports of world events

coverage of primary speeches**

discussions of health problems

investigations of corporations

How can a free press hold the government accountable?

hosting opinion panels

offering prior restraint

accessing classified information

summarizing government actions**

Imagine a political candidate, Maria Gutierrez. Gutierrez has appeared on television several times as part of multi-candidate debates. However, she is also invited often to discuss and debate views by herself on a popular news channel.

Use the passage to answer the question.

How will the news channels preference most likely affect the political process?

It will make viewers more likely to want to know more about Gutierrez’s rivals.

It will make viewers more likely to believe that Gutierrez is an important contender in the election.**

It will make viewers more likely to disagree with Gutierrez’s views.

It will make viewers more likely to think that Gutierrez is competent.

Thanks ~xx~

You are correct


The correct answers to the first question are A. effects of new laws and D. coverage of primary speeches.

The correct answer to the second question is B. offering prior restraint.

The correct answer to the third question is B. It will make viewers more likely to believe that Gutierrez is an important contender in the election.


Which news stories have the most direct influence on the political process? Select the two correct answers.

A. effects of new laws**
D. coverage of primary speeches**

To determine which news stories have the most direct influence on the political process, we can analyze the options provided.

A. effects of new laws: This option refers to the impact of new laws, which can directly shape or influence the political process.

B. stock market reports: While stock market reports may have some indirect influence on the political process, they are not directly related to political decisions.

C. reports of world events: While reports of world events may sometimes be interconnected with politics, they do not have the most direct influence on the political process.

D. coverage of primary speeches: This option focuses on the speeches made by candidates during primary elections, which can directly influence voters' decisions and shape the political process.

E. discussions of health problems: Although health problems can be relevant to political discussions, they do not have the most direct influence on the political process.

F. investigations of corporations: While investigations of corporations can be newsworthy, they are more related to business and legal issues rather than directly influencing the political process.

Based on this analysis, the two options that have the most direct influence on the political process are A. effects of new laws and D. coverage of primary speeches.

How can a free press hold the government accountable?

A. hosting opinion panels
B. offering prior restraint
C. accessing classified information
D. summarizing government actions**

To understand how a free press can hold the government accountable, let's examine the options provided.

A. hosting opinion panels: While hosting opinion panels can stimulate discussion and provide different viewpoints, it does not necessarily hold the government accountable. It is more of a platform for expressing opinions.

B. offering prior restraint: Prior restraint refers to the government censoring or restricting information before it is published. A free press should not offer prior restraint, as it goes against the principles of press freedom.

C. accessing classified information: A free press can play a vital role in investigative journalism, which may involve accessing classified information to uncover government wrongdoing or hold them accountable.

D. summarizing government actions: One of the ways a free press holds the government accountable is by summarizing government actions and reporting them to the public. This helps keep citizens informed and allows them to assess the performance of their government.

Based on this analysis, the option that best describes how a free press can hold the government accountable is D. summarizing government actions.

How will the news channel's preference most likely affect the political process?

A. It will make viewers more likely to want to know more about Gutierrez’s rivals.
B. It will make viewers more likely to believe that Gutierrez is an important contender in the election.**
C. It will make viewers more likely to disagree with Gutierrez’s views.
D. It will make viewers more likely to think that Gutierrez is competent.

To determine how the news channel's preference will likely affect the political process, we need to consider the options provided.

A. It will make viewers more likely to want to know more about Gutierrez's rivals: The passage does not provide any information about the effect on viewers' interest in Gutierrez's rivals. Therefore, we cannot determine if this option is correct.

B. It will make viewers more likely to believe that Gutierrez is an important contender in the election: The passage states that Gutierrez is invited often to discuss and debate views by herself on a popular news channel. This suggests that the news channels' preference for Gutierrez will make viewers perceive her as an important contender in the election.

C. It will make viewers more likely to disagree with Gutierrez's views: The passage does not provide any information about viewers' agreement or disagreement with Gutierrez's views. Thus, we cannot determine if this option is correct.

D. It will make viewers more likely to think that Gutierrez is competent: The passage does not provide any information about viewers' perception of Gutierrez's competence. Therefore, we cannot determine if this option is correct.

Based on the passage, the option that best describes how the news channel's preference will most likely affect the political process is B. It will make viewers more likely to believe that Gutierrez is an important contender in the election.