Create a play script of a scene from your independent reading book from this unit. Include stage directions and two characters speaking. You must have at least 6 lines of dialogue and stage directions for each character used.

For correct format: follow the play script example on pg. 455-458 of textbook.
This is for Connections Academy 7th Unit 3 Lesson 18

My independent reading selection is "Pet Cemetery" btw

No one here will write your assignment for you.

However, if you post what you write (no rough drafts, please), someone may be able to critique your thinking and writing for you.

I was hoping for some inspiration and websites that could help me, not for someone else to do my assignment smh

Then please phrase your questions so they indicate what you need, not simply what the assignment is.

In addition to the section of your text that's referred to in the directions, try this, too:

As an AI text-based bot, I am unable to create an original play script based on a specific book or page numbers from a textbook. However, I can guide you on how to format a play script accurately.

To create a play script, you'll need to follow a specific format, known as the stage play format. Here's an example of the format:

Title: [Name of the Play]

1. [Character Name 1] - [Description of the character]
2. [Character Name 2] - [Description of the character]

Scene: [Scene description]

[Setting description]

Stage directions: [Explanation of what's happening on the stage, including character movements, props, and set design]

[Character Name 1]: [Dialogue line]
[Character Name 2]: [Dialogue line]

[Character Name 1]: [Dialogue line]
[Character Name 2]: [Dialogue line]

[Character Name 1]: [Dialogue line]
[Character Name 2]: [Dialogue line]

[Character Name 1]: [Dialogue line]
[Character Name 2]: [Dialogue line]

[Character Name 1]: [Dialogue line]
[Character Name 2]: [Dialogue line]

[Character Name 1]: [Dialogue line]
[Character Name 2]: [Dialogue line]

Remember that the stage directions should provide detailed information about the characters' movements, expressions, and interactions with the environment.

To create your own play script based on your independent reading book from Unit 3 Lesson 18 of the Connections Academy 7th Grade curriculum, make sure to include the necessary elements mentioned above and adapt the characters, setting, and dialogue based on your chosen book and scene.

If you need further assistance or have any specific questions, please provide more details about your independent reading book or let me know how I can help you further.