A boy replaced the letters in his name with numbers that correspond to that letters' positions in the English alphabet. The number was 10913. What is his name? (It's a common name.)

I will assume you meant: 10-9-13 , then you have JIM

if you have 10-9-1-3 , what would it be?


To find the name of the boy, we need to convert the number 10913 back into letters using the positions of the English alphabet.

In order to do this, we can iterate over the numbers in the reverse order and find the corresponding letters. Let's break down the process step by step:

1. Start by taking the most significant digit of the number, which is 1 in this case. The largest value of a single letter's position in the English alphabet is 26, so we know that the first letter of the name will be within this range.

2. Subtracting 1 from the number gives us 10912.

3. Now, we need to determine the letter that corresponds to the number 1. According to the English alphabet, 'A' is in the first position. Therefore, the first letter of the boy's name is 'A'.

4. Next, we move on to the second digit, which is 0. Since 0 is not a valid position in the English alphabet, we can skip it for now but keep track of the progress.

5. We are left with the digits 9 and 12. Following the same logic, we find that the ninth letter of the alphabet is 'I' and the twelfth letter is 'L'.

6. Putting it all together, we have 'A', followed by the skipped 'O', 'I', and 'L'. Therefore, the boy's name is 'AIL'.

So, the boy's name is 'AIL'.