What might be a result of having only one political party running for office and controlling the government?

A. Citizens no longer have any roles or responsibilities.
B. There would never be economic change.
C. A one-party system increases competition.
D. There would be little opposition to government policies in a one-party system.
I'm stuck on C or D.

C is the opposite! D is correct.


thankyou I got stuck in the mud too.

To determine the correct answer, let's examine the question and break it down. The question is asking about the result of having only one political party running for office and controlling the government. We need to evaluate the consequences of such a scenario.

C. A one-party system increases competition: This statement is not accurate. In a one-party system, there is no genuine competition between political parties since there is only one party running for office. Thus, there is no increase in competition.

D. There would be little opposition to government policies in a one-party system: This statement is accurate. In a one-party system, without any opposition parties to challenge or question government policy, there would indeed be little opposition to government policies. This lack of opposition could potentially lead to a lack of checks and balances, as well as a reduced ability for citizens to voice diverse perspectives and hold the government accountable.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. There would be little opposition to government policies in a one-party system.