How can students help each other during this period of quarantine?

Not be lonely so call or text friends

Study together on FaceTime or zoom

Is there anything else than Facetiming other students?

GoogleDuo, FaceTime, Zoom, Google Hangouts …

Half of which I mentioned

During this period of quarantine, students can find various ways to help each other. Here are some suggestions:

1. Virtual Study Groups: Students can organize and participate in virtual study groups using online platforms like video conferencing or messaging apps. They can discuss difficult concepts, share resources, and help each other understand coursework.

2. Online Tutoring: Students who excel in specific subjects can offer online tutoring sessions to their peers. By using video conferencing tools, students can connect, explain concepts, and provide guidance to those in need.

3. Peer Feedback: Students can exchange their work, such as essays or assignments, for peer feedback. They can share documents via cloud storage or collaborate on editing platforms. Giving and receiving feedback from their peers can enhance their learning experience.

4. Collaborative Projects: Students can collaborate on virtual projects or group assignments. They can use online platforms to work together, delegate tasks, and share ideas. This allows them to learn from each other's strengths and develop teamwork skills.

5. Online Discussion Forums: Participating in online discussion forums or social media groups dedicated to academic subjects can help students seek guidance and support from their peers. These platforms provide opportunities to interact, exchange ideas, and ask questions.

6. Sharing Resources: Students can create and share digital resources, such as study guides, summaries, or tips and tricks. Online platforms and social media can serve as channels to distribute these resources, facilitating a collective learning experience.

7. Emotional Support: It is essential for students to support each other emotionally during this challenging period. They can stay connected through messaging apps or video calls, providing a listening ear, offering encouragement, and discussing their challenges and successes.

8. Creating Virtual Clubs or Communities: Students can come together to form virtual clubs or communities based on shared interests, hobbies, or academic subjects. These groups can provide an opportunity for students to engage in discussions, hold virtual events, and foster a sense of belonging.

Remember, technology plays a vital role in facilitating such activities. Encourage students to explore and utilize various communication and collaboration tools that are available to them during this period.

Mostly, don't! You'll get far better answers from tutors.

"Helping" often means "hand me the answers" to some kids, and those will be removed.

Real help, if it's explained and correct, will stay. Saying "I'm not sure" or "I think" etc., will result in removal.