Dot a dot dot dot a dot dot

Spotting the windowpane.
Spack a spack speck flick a flack fleck
Freckling the windowpane.
A spatter a scatter a wet cat a clatter
A splatter a rumble outside.
Umbrella umbrella umbrella umbrella
Bumbershoot barrel of rain.
Slosh a galosh slosh a galosh
Slither and slather and glide
A puddle a jump a puddle a jump
A puddle a jump puddle splosh
A juddle a pump a luddle a dump a
Puddmuddle jump in and slide!
Use the poem to answer the questions.
Which of the following is an example of onomatopoeia in the poem?
A. A puddle a jump puddle splosh
B. jump in and slide
C. Umbrella umbrella umbrella umbrella
D. Bumbershoot barrel of rain.

it put c but i realy am not sure...

it's A because it says "splosh" which could be the sound of water

The correct answer is A. "A puddle a jump puddle splosh" is an example of onomatopoeia because the words imitate the sound that a jump into a puddle followed by a splashing noise would make. Onomatopoeia is a literary device where words are used to represent or imitate sounds. In this case, the words convey the sound of the action being described.