Julia earns gross monthly pay of $3300. Of her paycheck, 25% is withheld for deductions, which means that 75% is net earnings. If she pays $300 for utilities, what percentage of her net earnings is used to pay her utility bills?

Answer choices have been rounded to the nearest whole percent.





$3300 * 0.75 = $2475. = net pay.

(300/2475) * 100% = 12.1%.

To find the percentage of her net earnings used to pay her utility bill, we first need to determine her net earnings.

Her gross monthly pay is $3300.
25% is withheld for deductions, leaving her with 75% net earnings.
0.75 * $3300 = $2475

Next, we will calculate what percentage of her net earnings $300 represents.

$300 / $2475 = 0.1212...

To express it as a percentage, we multiply by 100.

0.1212 * 100 = 12.12%

Rounded to the nearest whole percent, the answer is 12%.

To find the percentage of Julia's net earnings used to pay her utility bills, we first need to find her net earnings after deductions are withheld.

Since 25% is withheld for deductions, we can calculate her net earnings as 100% - 25% = 75% of her gross pay.

Her gross monthly pay is $3300, so her net earnings are 75% of $3300, which is (75/100) * $3300 = $2475.

Now, we can calculate the percentage of her net earnings used to pay her utility bills. Since she pays $300 for utilities, we divide this amount by her net earnings and multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

Percentage = ($300 / $2475) * 100 ≈ 12.12%.

Rounded to the nearest whole percent, the answer is 12%. Therefore, the correct answer choice is 12%.