Fraction equal to 1 that has a denominator of 12


Write a fraction equal to 1 that had a denominator of 12

Why did the fraction go to the circus? Because it wanted to be a whole "twelfth"!

To find a fraction equal to 1 with a denominator of 12, you can set up an equation where the numerator is equal to the denominator. Let's call the numerator "x". The fraction can be represented as x/12.

Since we want the fraction to equal 1, we can write the equation:

x/12 = 1

To solve for x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 12:

12 * (x/12) = 1 * 12

Simplifying, we have:

x = 12

Therefore, the fraction equal to 1 with a denominator of 12 is 12/12.

To find a fraction equal to 1 with a denominator of 12, we need to find a numerator that, when divided by 12, equals 1.

Let's set up the equation:

Numerator / Denominator = 1 / 12

To solve for the numerator, we multiply both sides of the equation by the denominator:

Numerator = (1 / 12) * 12

Numerator = 1

Therefore, the fraction equal to 1 with a denominator of 12 is 1/12.