Let C be the circle with center -3i and radius 2. The Mobius transformation R given by the equation R(z)=(b/z+d) maps C to the unit circle in such a way that the inside of C maps to the outside of the unit circle. Find |R(1-2i)|.

I'm having trouble with this problem. Any solutions/ideas? Any help is much appreciated.

To find |R(1-2i)|, we first need to determine the values of b and d for the Mobius transformation R. Since R maps the circle C with center -3i and radius 2 to the unit circle, we can use the information to find these values.

The general formula for the Mobius transformation R(z) is R(z) = (az + b)/(cz + d). In this case, we know that R(z) maps the center of C, -3i, to the center of the unit circle, which is 0.

To find the value of b, we substitute z = -3i into the expression R(z) = (az + b)/(cz + d) and set it equal to 0:
R(-3i) = (a(-3i) + b)/(c(-3i) + d) = 0

Simplifying this equation, we have:
(-3ai + b) / (-3ci + d) = 0

Since the denominator cannot be zero, we can set the numerator equal to zero:
-3ai + b = 0
b = 3ai

Now that we have found the value of b, we can substitute it into the general expression for R(z):
R(z) = (az + 3ai)/(cz + d)

Since R(z) also maps the point 2 units away from -3i on C to 1 unit away from 0 on the unit circle, we can use this information to determine the value of a and d.

Substituting z = -3i + 2 into R(z), we have:
R(-3i + 2) = (a(-3i + 2) + 3ai)/(c(-3i + 2) + d)

We know that this point on C, -3i + 2, maps to a point on the unit circle 1 unit away from 0. In other words, the magnitude of R(-3i + 2) is equal to 1.

Set the magnitude of R(-3i + 2) equal to 1:
| R(-3i + 2) | = 1

Substituting the expression for R(-3i + 2) into the equation, we have:
| (a(-3i + 2) + 3ai)/(c(-3i + 2) + d) | = 1

Now, use algebraic methods to solve for the unknowns a, c, and d.

Once you have the specific form of R(z), you can substitute z = 1 - 2i into the expression R(z) and find the value of |R(1-2i)|.