What is the definition of rhyming couplet?

when the word at the end of a line in a poem rhymes with the ending word of the previous line

when one word rhymes with another word in a poem two times

when a line in a poem begins and ends with the same word

when two stanzas in a row in a poem rhyme>>>

I agree.


You are welcome Sally.

Based on the options given, the correct definition of a rhyming couplet is: "when the word at the end of a line in a poem rhymes with the ending word of the previous line." A rhyming couplet consists of two consecutive lines in a poem where the last word of the first line rhymes with the last word of the second line.

To identify a rhyming couplet, you would need to look for two lines in succession with end rhymes. For example, in the following poem:

"I walked in the fog, so dense and gray,
And suddenly saw a cat at play."

The words "gray" and "play" at the end of each line form a rhyming couplet.