Which word is the pronoun that names the person spoken to in the sentence?

Would you like to play basketball with my cousin and me?





Is me "the person spoken to"? You should know better.

If you spoke that question aloud, to whom would you be speaking? Certainly not yourself!

It's "you"

In the sentence "Would you like to play basketball with my cousin and me?", the pronoun that names the person spoken to is "you".

To determine this, you can break down the sentence and identify the pronouns used and their roles:

- "Would you like" - Here, "you" is the pronoun that represents the person being spoken to.
- "to play basketball" - This is the main action being discussed.
- "with my cousin and me" - Here, "my" and "me" are pronouns that represent the speaker and their cousin.

Therefore, the word "you" is the pronoun that names the person spoken to in the sentence.