A tall stool weighs 3.6kg. A table is twice as heavy as a chair. Together, 5 chairs and 2 tall stools weigh 15.3kg more than the table. Find the weight of the table.


your mum

homework sucks

chair --- x

table ---2x
stool --- 3.6

5 chairs + 2 stools - table = 15.3
5x + 7.2 - 2x = 15.3
3x = 8.1
x = 2.7

table weighs 2x = 5.4 kg

table = 5.4 kg

To find the weight of the table, we need to set up equations based on the given information. Let's start by assigning variables to the unknown weights.

Let's say the weight of the table is T kg.
Since the table is twice as heavy as a chair, the weight of a chair is T/2 kg.

Next, let's consider the weight of a tall stool, which is given as 3.6 kg.

According to the information, together, 5 chairs and 2 tall stools weigh 15.3 kg more than the table. So, we can set up the equation as follows:

(5 * (T/2)) + (2 * 3.6) = T + 15.3

Now, let's solve this equation to find the weight of the table:

(5 * (T/2)) + 7.2 = T + 15.3

Multiplying through by 2 to remove the fraction:

(5T) + 14.4 = 2T + 30.6

Subtracting 2T from both sides:

3T + 14.4 = 30.6

Subtracting 14.4 from both sides:

3T = 16.2

Dividing both sides by 3:

T = 5.4

Therefore, the weight of the table is 5.4 kg.

s = 3.6

t = 2s
5c+2s = 15.3
now just solve for t