calculate the geostrophic wind velocity:

- coriolis parameter is: 1x10^-4 s^-1 = 0.0001s^-1
- height gradient on the 500hPa surface is 0.8m/km

To calculate the geostrophic wind velocity, you will need to use the Coriolis parameter and the height gradient on the 500hPa surface. Here's how you can do it:

1. Convert the height gradient to meters per meter:
Since the given height gradient is in meters per kilometer, you need to convert it to meters per meter. Divide the given value by 1000.
Height gradient = 0.8 m/km = 0.8 / 1000 m/m = 0.0008 m/m.

2. Use the formula for geostrophic wind velocity:
Geostrophic wind velocity = (Coriolis parameter * height gradient) / 2
Geostrophic wind velocity = (0.0001 s^-1) * (0.0008 m/m) / 2

3. Calculate the geostrophic wind velocity:
Multiply the Coriolis parameter by the height gradient and then divide the result by 2.
Geostrophic wind velocity = 0.0001 * 0.0008 / 2
Geostrophic wind velocity ≈ 0.00000004 m/s

The calculated geostrophic wind velocity is approximately 0.00000004 m/s.