Kadogo was born 4th January 2009. How old was he on 4th March 2011?

2 years and 2 months

2years 60days

To determine how old Kadogo was on 4th March 2011, we need to calculate the time difference between his birthdate and the given date.

Step 1: Calculate the time difference in years:
4th March 2011 - 4th January 2009 = 2 years

Step 2: Determine Kadogo's age on his last birthday:
Kadogo was 2 years old at his last birthday on 4th January 2011.

Step 3: Determine Kadogo's age on 4th March 2011:
Since Kadogo's birthday had not yet occurred on 4th March 2011, he would still be 2 years old.

Therefore, Kadogo was 2 years old on 4th March 2011.

To calculate Kadogo's age on 4th March 2011, we need to find the difference between these two dates.

Step 1: Find the number of days between 4th January 2009 and 4th March 2011.
To do this, we need to count the number of days in each year and sum them up.
- 2009 is not a leap year, so it has 365 days.
- 2010 is also not a leap year, so it has 365 days.
- 2011 is not a complete year, as we're looking at 4th March, so we need to count the days until this date.

Step 2: Calculate the number of days Kadogo aged during this period.
We need to calculate the number of days between his birthdate (4th January 2009) and 4th March 2011.

Step 3: Calculate Kadogo's age in years on 4th March 2011.
Divide the total number of days Kadogo aged during this period by 365 (assuming all years have 365 days).

Let's calculate it together:

Step 1:
2009: 365 days
2010: 365 days
2011 (until 4th March): 62 days

Total number of days between 4th January 2009 and 4th March 2011 = 365 + 365 + 62 = 792 days.

Step 2:
Number of days Kadogo aged = 792 days

Step 3:
Kadogo's age on 4th March 2011 = 792 / 365 ≈ 2 years and 2 months (rounded to the nearest whole number).

Therefore, Kadogo was approximately 2 years and 2 months old on 4th March 2011.