Choose two parents. Remember that blue-winged butterflies have the genotype , red-winged butterflies have the genotype bb, and the genotype produces purple-winged butterflies. What are the genotypes and phenotypes of the parents? What are the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring?

something is wrong, I think you mistyped. I think you meant this:

Choose two parents. remember that blue-winged butterflies have the genotype bb , re d-winged butterflies have the genotype bb, and the genotype bb produces purple-winged butterflies. what are the genotypes and phenotypes of the parents? what are the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring?
See answers (2)

Answer :

Genotype of Parents - Bb

Phenotype of parents - Purple Winged parents

Genotypes and Phenotypes of Offsprings

BB- Blue winged butterfly offspring

bb - red winged butterfly offspring

Bb - Purple winged butterfly offsprings


Here , three type of offsprings are produce

a) Butterflies having blue wings

b) Butterflies having red wings

c) Butterflies having purple wings

Let us assume the Blue wing allele is represented by "B", Red wing allele is represented by "b" .

Here, purple winged butterflies are produced which means that both the alleles of blue and red wings are codominant , which means that they both expresses their trait.

Now, we will work out the genotype of offsprings first

a) Butterflies having blue wings - BB

b) Butterflies having red wings - bb

c) Butterflies having purple wings - Bb

On the basis of genotype of offsrpings the genotype of parents would be


Which means both the parents would be heterozygous with purple coloured wing

Cross check -

when two purple winged heterozygous butterflies are crossed, the following offsprings are produced

B b


b Bb bb

BB- Blue winged butterfly offspring

bb - red winged butterfly offspring

Bb - Purple winged butterfly offspring

To determine the genotypes and phenotypes of the parents and their offspring, we need to consider the information provided.

Given that blue-winged butterflies have the genotype Bb, and red-winged butterflies have the genotype bb, we can deduce the following:

- Parent 1: Genotype Bb (blue-winged butterfly)
- Parent 2: Genotype bb (red-winged butterfly)

- Parent 1: Blue-winged butterfly
- Parent 2: Red-winged butterfly

Now, let's determine the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring:

When two butterflies with genotypes Bb and bb mate, the possible genotypes of their offspring are Bb and bb.

- Offspring 1: Blue-winged butterfly (genotype Bb)
- Offspring 2: Red-winged butterfly (genotype bb)

To summarize:

- Parent 1: Genotype Bb (blue-winged butterfly), Phenotype: Blue-winged butterfly
- Parent 2: Genotype bb (red-winged butterfly), Phenotype: Red-winged butterfly

- Offspring 1: Genotype Bb (blue-winged butterfly), Phenotype: Blue-winged butterfly
- Offspring 2: Genotype bb (red-winged butterfly), Phenotype: Red-winged butterfly

To determine the genotypes and phenotypes of the parents and offspring in this scenario, we need to understand the rules of genetic inheritance.

In this case, blue-winged butterflies (genotype BB) produce purple-winged butterflies when they mate, and red-winged butterflies have the genotype bb.

To find the genotypes and phenotypes of the parents, we need to choose two butterflies. Let's say we choose one blue-winged butterfly (BB) and one red-winged butterfly (bb) as the parents.

The genotypes of the parents would be:
Parent 1 (blue-winged): BB
Parent 2 (red-winged): bb

The phenotypes of the parents would be:
Parent 1: Blue-winged (since the genotype is BB)
Parent 2: Red-winged (since the genotype is bb)

Now, let's determine the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring.

When blue-winged (BB) and red-winged (bb) butterflies mate, they produce offspring with the genotype Bb.

The possible phenotypes for this cross would be:
- Purple-winged if the dominant allele (B) is expressed
- Blue-winged if the recessive allele (b) is expressed

So, the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring from this cross would be:
Offspring 1: Bb (genotype), Purple-winged (phenotype)
Offspring 2: Bb (genotype), Purple-winged (phenotype)
Offspring 3: Bb (genotype), Purple-winged (phenotype)
and so on.

Every offspring from this mating will have the genotype Bb and the phenotype purple-winged.