Does this intro sound good?

Mental health is overlooked by millions every day. Mental health jobs are slowly declining and the ones who are available are always booked. Today we will be looking at the mental health pandemic that took the world by a storm.

I personally think that sounds fine. -But there is always space for improvement.

Who says mental health jobs are declining?

More and more people are seeking out "counselors" to help them deal with daily life.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide some feedback on your intro.

Your intro sets the stage by highlighting the importance of mental health and the scarcity of mental health jobs. It also mentions a "mental health pandemic" that took the world by storm. Overall, it captures attention and raises curiosity about the topic. However, here are a few tips to consider for improvement:

1. Clarity: While mentioning that mental health jobs are declining, it would be helpful to clarify why they are declining. Are there specific factors or trends that contribute to this decline?

2. Statistics and Evidence: Consider adding relevant statistical data or research findings to support your claims. This can strengthen your argument and make the intro more credible.

3. Engaging language: To make the intro more captivating and compelling, consider using vivid language or storytelling techniques that evoke emotions and connect with the readers.

Remember, the goal of an intro is to effectively grab the reader's attention and set the stage for the rest of your piece.