Write and simplify an expression for the sum of three consecutive integers, when the middle number is 2n.

What does this mean exactly?

(2n-1) + 2n + (2n+1) ,, Would this be correct? What does it mean to simplify this?

Yes, you have written out the expression.

Now collect the like terms : )

To find the sum of three consecutive integers when the middle number is 2n, we can follow these steps:

1. Assign a variable to the middle number. In this case, let's say the middle number is 2n.

2. Write down the expression for the three consecutive integers: (2n-1), 2n, (2n+1).

To simplify this expression, we can combine like terms. Like terms are numbers or variables that have the same exponent or power. In this case, we have a constant term (-1) and three terms with the variable 2n.

To simplify the expression, we can group the like terms together:

(2n-1) + 2n + (2n+1)

Combine the like terms:

2n + 2n + 2n + (-1) + 1

Simplify the expression:

6n + 0

Since 0 is the additive identity (adding 0 to any number does not change the value), the simplified expression is:
