I need help i just got rejected by a girl i like and she said she would date me she just doesn't feel like she needs to be in a relationship my heart says keep trying and my mind says screw her whats should i do

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time. Dealing with rejection can be challenging, but it's important to take a step back and consider your options before making any decisions. Here's a suggestion on how to approach this situation:

1. Take some time for yourself: Allow yourself to process your emotions and give yourself some space to heal. It's normal to feel hurt or disappointed after being rejected, but taking care of yourself is essential.

2. Communicate openly: If you're uncertain about her reasons for not wanting a relationship, it can be helpful to have an open and honest conversation with her. Try to understand her perspective and intentions, and express your feelings respectfully. Remember, though, that her decision is ultimately hers to make.

3. Reflect on your own feelings: Consider whether you genuinely want to pursue a relationship with someone who isn't ready for one. Reflect on what you truly desire in a partner and whether continuing to invest your emotions in this situation is worth it for you.

4. Focus on personal growth: Use this time to work on yourself and your own happiness. Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you grow both personally and emotionally. This will not only distract you, but also improve your overall well-being.

5. Keep an open mind: While it's important to respect her decision at this moment, it doesn't mean things can't change in the future. By focusing on personal growth and maintaining a positive mindset, you may attract new opportunities and potentially new relationships.

Remember, relationships should be built on mutual consent and readiness from both parties. It's essential to respect someone's boundaries and decisions, even if it may be painful for you. Take this as an opportunity for personal growth and keep an open mind for what the future may bring.