1. Describe the effect of the Great Depression on Georgians. Select all that apply.

A. Many rural Georgians were so used to poverty due to the state's poor economy in the late 1920s that they hardly noticed the Great Depression
B. Unlike most states, Georgia was not interdependent on the rest of the nation, so the Great Depression did not effect the state
C. Georgia's economy was suffering so badly that, by 1930, the state government could not pay its own bills***
D. During the 1920s and 1930s, it was easier for African Americans and other minorities to find work than it was for white males

Am I right?



^^ Correct (100%)

Based on the options provided, the correct answer is:

A. Many rural Georgians were so used to poverty due to the state's poor economy in the late 1920s that they hardly noticed the Great Depression
C. Georgia's economy was suffering so badly that, by 1930, the state government could not pay its own bills

To determine the effects of the Great Depression on Georgians, we would need to assess the impact it had on the state and its citizens.

Option A is correct because the poor economy in Georgia prior to the Great Depression had already resulted in significant poverty for many rural Georgians. As a result, the effects of the Great Depression may have been less noticeable for them.

Option B is incorrect because Georgia, like most states, was interdependent on the rest of the nation. The Great Depression impacted the entire country, including Georgia.

Option C is correct because the severe economic decline caused by the Great Depression in Georgia led to the state government being unable to pay its own bills by 1930.

Option D is incorrect because the Great Depression resulted in widespread unemployment, affecting all races and minorities, including African Americans and other minorities. It was not easier for them to find work than it was for white males during this time.

You'll need to double-check in your text for this one. I doubt any tutors have studied the history of Georgia.

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"effect of the Great Depression on Georgians"