A particle at x=+5m at t=0,x=-7m at t=6s and x=+2m at t=10s find the average velocity of the particle during the interval.

the average velocity is totaldisplacement/totaltime

= (x(10)-x(0))/(10-0)

To find the average velocity of the particle during the given time interval, we need to calculate the change in position and the change in time.

The change in position (Δx) is given by the final position (x2) minus the initial position (x1). In this case, x2 = +2m and x1 = +5m.

Δx = x2 - x1 = (+2m) - (+5m) = -3m

The change in time (Δt) is given by the final time (t2) minus the initial time (t1). In this case, t2 = 10s and t1 = 0s.

Δt = t2 - t1 = 10s - 0s = 10s

Now, we can calculate the average velocity (v_avg) using the formula:

v_avg = Δx / Δt

Plugging in the values we found earlier:

v_avg = (-3m) / (10s)

Simplifying this expression, we find:

v_avg = -0.3 m/s

Therefore, the average velocity of the particle during the given time interval is -0.3 m/s.