A house has lots of windows in the walls facing south.

What process is helped by having many south-facing windows?
Select one:
a. Fusion solar heating
b. Active solar heating
c. Conduction solar heating
d. Passive solar heating
I really do not know for this one. Please help me.

Google each alternative.

Too late! The answer was D. Luckily that was my answer.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the concept of different types of solar heating systems. Each option represents a specific type of solar heating system, and we need to identify which one is assisted by having many south-facing windows in a house.

Here's an explanation of each option:

a. Fusion solar heating: Fusion refers to the process of combining two or more atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy. However, fusion solar heating is not a concept related to residential house heating systems and is not relevant to this question.

b. Active solar heating: Active solar heating involves the use of mechanical or electrical devices, such as fans or pumps, to distribute heat collected from the sun. This type of system typically includes solar panels or collectors to harness the sun's energy and then actively circulate the heat throughout the building. While having south-facing windows can certainly help with passive solar heating, it is not specifically related to active solar heating.

c. Conduction solar heating: Conduction solar heating is not a recognized term or process, so we can eliminate this option.

d. Passive solar heating: Passive solar heating involves the design and orientation of a building to harness the sun's energy without the need for mechanical or electrical devices. It utilizes features such as large windows, thermal mass, and proper insulation to absorb, store, and distribute heat throughout the building. South-facing windows are particularly beneficial for passive solar heating because they allow for maximum exposure to the sun's rays, especially during the colder months. This exposure helps to naturally warm the home through solar gain, reducing the need for artificial heating.

Based on this information, the correct answer is d. Passive solar heating.