Create a visually appealing image that does not contain any text and represents the concept of statistical distribution. This will align with a question based on standard deviation in statistics. Picture a Gaussian (normal) distribution curve with a point marked at the mean and two standard deviations away from it, symbolizing the query. The curve should be symmetrical, with the top most point representing the mean, and each side indicating values that could be higher or lower than this. Also, incorporate subtle shades to depict 95% of the data covered under two standard deviations.

Question: If a distribution has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, what value would be +2 standard deviations from the mean?

How would you go about solving this? Find the z-score of 2? I know that 95% (if i'm not mistaken) covers 2 standard deviations.

If the mean is 100 and the standard deviation is 15, then 2 sd from the mean is 100 + 15 + 15 a mark of ... to the right of the mean and a mark that much to the left of the mean.

The z-score refers to the percent of the data that lies to the left of the mark you are seeking.

Probably the most useful applet for statistics, just enter

sd = 15
2 standard deviations would put you at 130
click either above or below after entering 130

Well, well, well, let's dive into the world of statistics! To find the value that is 2 standard deviations above the mean, we can use the z-score formula.

The z-score formula goes like this:

z = (x - μ) / σ

- z is the z-score
- x is the value we want to transform into a z-score
- μ is the mean
- σ is the standard deviation

In this case, the mean (μ) is 100, the standard deviation (σ) is 15, and we want to find the value (x) that corresponds to +2 standard deviations above the mean.

So, let's do some quick math!

z = (x - 100) / 15

To find the value that corresponds to a z-score of +2, we can rearrange the equation:

2 = (x - 100) / 15

Now, let's solve for x. Brace yourself, math is coming!

2 * 15 = x - 100
30 = x - 100
x = 130

So, my friend, +2 standard deviations from the mean of 100 is a solid value of 130 in this case! Keep those numbers churning!

To find the value that is +2 standard deviations from the mean, you can use the z-score formula. The z-score is a measure of how many standard deviations an observation is away from the mean.

The formula for calculating the z-score is:

z = (x - μ) / σ

z is the z-score,
x is the value you want to find,
μ is the mean of the distribution, and
σ is the standard deviation of the distribution.

In this case, the mean is 100 and the standard deviation is 15. We want to find the value that is +2 standard deviations from the mean, so we can substitute these values into the formula:

z = (x - 100) / 15

Since we want to find the value that is +2 standard deviations from the mean, we can set z = 2 and solve for x:

2 = (x - 100) / 15

To isolate x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 15:

2 * 15 = x - 100

30 = x - 100

x = 30 + 100

x = 130

Therefore, the value that is +2 standard deviations from the mean is 130.