if 1/2 cup of spinach contains 80 calories in the same amount of peas contain 300 calories how many cups of spinach have the same calorie content as 2/3 cup of peas

Fist you know that 1/2 cup equal 80 and now a whole cup is 160. do the same for the peas and divide by 2/3rds

Got it thank you its 2 1/2

To calculate how many cups of spinach have the same calorie content as 2/3 cup of peas, we need to find the ratio of calories per cup between spinach and peas.

Given that 1/2 cup of spinach contains 80 calories and the same amount of peas contains 300 calories, we can set up the following proportion:

(1/2 cup of spinach) / 80 calories = (2/3 cup of peas) / 300 calories

To solve for the unknown, we can cross-multiply and then solve for the number of cups of spinach:

(1/2) * (300) = (2/3) * (80)
150 = 160 / 3

To isolate the number of cups of spinach, we multiply both sides of the equation by 2/3:

150 * (2/3) = (160 /3) * (2/3)
100 = 320 / 3

Finally, we can multiply both sides by 3/320 to find the number of cups of spinach:

100 * (3/320) = (320 /3) * (3/320)
0.9375 ≈ 1 cup

Hence, 2/3 cup of peas has the same calorie content as approximately 1 cup of spinach.

To find out how many cups of spinach have the same calorie content as 2/3 cup of peas, we need to compare the ratios of calorie content per cup for each food item.

Given that 1/2 cup of spinach contains 80 calories, we can set up a proportion:

(Calories in peas) / (Calories in spinach) = (Cups of peas) / (Cups of spinach)

Let's substitute the known values:

300 / 80 = 2/3 / x

Now we can solve for x, which represents the number of cups of spinach. We can cross-multiply and solve for x:

300 * x = 80 * 2/3

300x = 160/3

To simplify the equation, we can multiply both sides by 3 to remove the fraction:

900x = 160

Now, divide both sides by 900 to isolate x:

x = 160 / 900

x ≈ 0.177

Therefore, approximately 0.177 cups of spinach have the same calorie content as 2/3 cup of peas.