How much is an 18% tip on a $45.50 meal?

I keep getting the equation wrong.

Tip will be $8.19

Yes, got that one ok :)

To calculate an 18% tip on a $45.50 meal, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the tip percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 18/100 = 0.18.

Step 2: Multiply the cost of the meal by the tip percentage in decimal form: $45.50 x 0.18 = $8.19.

Therefore, an 18% tip on a $45.50 meal would be $8.19.

To calculate an 18% tip on a $45.50 meal, you can use the following equation:

Tip Amount = Meal Amount × Tip Percentage

In this case, the Meal Amount is $45.50 and the Tip Percentage is 18%. To convert this percentage to a decimal, divide it by 100:

18% ÷ 100 = 0.18

Now, you can calculate the tip amount:

Tip Amount = $45.50 × 0.18

Simplifying the equation:

Tip Amount = $8.19

So, an 18% tip on a $45.50 meal would amount to $8.19.