Which line from "Miracles" contains an image that primarily appeals to the sense of touch?

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Answers for Connexus are

1. B
2. B
3. D
4. A

To determine which line from "Miracles" by Walt Whitman contains an image that primarily appeals to the sense of touch, you would need to refer to the lyrics of the poem. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Open a web browser and search for the full text of the poem "Miracles" by Walt Whitman.
2. Look for a reliable source that provides the complete poem, like a reputable poetry website or an online literature database.
3. Once you find the full text of the poem, either scroll through the entire poem or use the search function provided by the webpage to look for keywords related to the sense of touch, such as "touch," "tactile," "feel," or any descriptive words that evoke a texture or physical sensation.
4. Read through the lines or stanzas that mention touch carefully, paying attention to the specific imagery and description used.
5. Identify the line that primarily appeals to the sense of touch, focusing on the one that vividly portrays a tactile experience or texture.

By following these steps, you should be able to find which line from "Miracles" by Walt Whitman contains an image that primarily appeals to the sense of touch.