kylie makes a trail mix by mixing nuts and raisins in the ratio 7:3 . she has 84 nuts and 60 raisins . how much trail mix can she make?

nuts : raisins = 7x : 3x

7x = 84
x = 12

and 3x = 60
x = 20

for any value of x> 12 she won't have enough raisins

So her mix consists of 84 nuts and 36 raisins, (notice 84:36 = 7:3)

I wonder what she will do with the extra 24 raisins ??
Is she really going to count out 36 raisins ??
What a strange question.


i don’t know

To find out how much trail mix Kylie can make, we need to determine the total number of units in the ratio and calculate the quantity of each ingredient.

Let's start by finding the common ratio between nuts and raisins. The given ratio is 7:3. We can add these values to get a total of 10 units (7 + 3 = 10).

Next, we can determine the value of one unit by dividing the total quantity of nuts and raisins by the sum of the ratio values:
Total quantity of nuts = 84
Total quantity of raisins = 60

One unit = (Total quantity of nuts + Total quantity of raisins) / Total units
One unit = (84 + 60) / 10
One unit = 144 / 10
One unit = 14.4

Now that we have the value of one unit, we can find the quantity of trail mix Kylie can make by multiplying the value of one unit by the total number of units (10):
Total quantity of trail mix = One unit x Total units
Total quantity of trail mix = 14.4 x 10
Total quantity of trail mix = 144

Therefore, Kylie can make 144 units of trail mix.