determine which ordered pair is a solution of y=x^2-2

A. -2,6
B. 5,21
C. -1,-1
D. -5,24

It was B never mind :)

no, it is not b)

if b) then 21 = 5^2 - 1 , which is false

now, which one works?

To determine which ordered pair is a solution of the equation y = x^2 - 2, we need to substitute the values of x and y from each ordered pair option into the equation and check if the equation is satisfied.

Let's go through each option:

Option A: (-2, 6)
Substitute x = -2 and y = 6 in the equation:
6 = (-2)^2 - 2
6 = 4 - 2
6 = 2

Since 6 does not equal 2, option A is not a solution.

Option B: (5, 21)
Substitute x = 5 and y = 21 in the equation:
21 = (5)^2 - 2
21 = 25 - 2
21 = 23

Since 21 does not equal 23, option B is not a solution.

Option C: (-1, -1)
Substitute x = -1 and y = -1 in the equation:
-1 = (-1)^2 - 2
-1 = 1 - 2
-1 = -1

Since -1 equals -1, option C is a solution.

Option D: (-5, 24)
Substitute x = -5 and y = 24 in the equation:
24 = (-5)^2 - 2
24 = 25 - 2
24 = 23

Since 24 does not equal 23, option D is not a solution.

Therefore, the ordered pair that is a solution of y = x^2 - 2 is option C, (-1, -1).