Factor the following polynomials by grouping if possible:

acx^2 + adx + bcx + bd

a(c x^2 + d x) +b (c x + d) oh,look, get that x out of the first term

a x( c x + d) + b(c x + d)
(a x + b)(c x + d)

thank you so much

You are welcome.

To factor the polynomial acx^2 + adx + bcx + bd by grouping, we will look for common factors between the terms.

Step 1: Group the terms
Group the terms based on common factors:
(acx^2 + adx) + (bcx + bd)

Step 2: Factor out the common factor from each grouping
From the first grouping, factor out the common factor of "acx":

From the second grouping, factor out the common factor of "bc":

Step 3: Look for a common binomial factor
Now, notice that we have a common binomial factor of (x+d) in both groupings:

(acx + ad) + (bcx + bd)
(x+d)(ac + bc)

Thus, the factored form of the polynomial acx^2 + adx + bcx + bd by grouping is (x+d)(ac + bc).