A toddler was given 12 boxes of crayons, each of which contained 12 crayons. Within a week, he eventually lost half of the crayons and broke a quarter of the remaining crayons. How many intact crayons did the toddler have at the end of the week?

144 - (144 / 2) - [(144 / 2) / 4]

To find the number of intact crayons the toddler had at the end of the week, we need to calculate the number of crayons he lost and the number he broke.

Initially, the toddler had 12 boxes of crayons, and each box contained 12 crayons. So, the total number of crayons he had initially was: 12 boxes * 12 crayons per box = 144 crayons.

Next, we need to find out how many crayons the toddler lost. It is given in the problem that he lost half of the crayons. To find this, we can calculate half of 144 as: 144 crayons * (1/2) = 72 crayons.

Now, let's determine how many crayons the toddler broke. It is mentioned that he broke a quarter of the remaining crayons. The remaining crayons after losing 72 would be: 144 crayons - 72 crayons = 72 crayons. To calculate a quarter of 72 crayons, we can use the formula: 72 crayons * (1/4) = 18 crayons.

To find the number of intact crayons at the end of the week, we subtract the lost crayons and broken crayons from the initial number of crayons: 144 crayons - 72 crayons - 18 crayons = 54 intact crayons.

Therefore, at the end of the week, the toddler had 54 intact crayons.