400cm³ of nitrogen at 30°c is heated at constant pressure of temperature 50°c find the new volume of the nitrogen?

(V1/T1) = (V2/T2)

Remember that T must be in Kelvin.
Post your work if you get stuck.

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Very rude, Chinaza. 👎

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To find the new volume of nitrogen, we can use the ideal gas law equation:

PV = nRT

P = pressure (constant)
V = volume
n = number of moles of gas (constant for a given amount of nitrogen)
R = ideal gas constant
T = temperature

Since the pressure is constant, we can simplify the equation to:

V₁/T₁ = V₂/T₂

V₁ = initial volume
T₁ = initial temperature
V₂ = final volume (what we want to find)
T₂ = final temperature

V₁ = 400 cm³
T₁ = 30°C (Convert to Kelvin: T₁ = 30 + 273.15 = 303.15 K)
T₂ = 50°C (Convert to Kelvin: T₂ = 50 + 273.15 = 323.15 K)

Now, we can calculate the final volume (V₂):

V₂/T₁ = V₁/T₂

V₂ = (V₁ * T₂) / T₁
V₂ = (400 * 323.15) / 303.15

Calculating the value:

V₂ ≈ 426.48 cm³

Therefore, the new volume of the nitrogen gas, when heated at a constant pressure of 50°C, is approximately 426.48 cm³.