Choose the natural source most used to generate electricity in the united states?

Choose? You were given choices that you didn't include with your question?

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If you mean clean energy, I bet hydro wins given Lake Mead and the wires from Quebec down through New England. However blocking the rivers and flooding the land and collecting the silt also has environmental draw backs. This is particularly true if your local economy depends on fishing. I am not sure how the bird watchers feel about windmills.

What does "natural source " mean anyway?

Does it include carbon and carbon compounds like methane?
Do you mean clean energy sources like hyro or wind or solar or geothermal? How about attaching an alternator to your bike wheel?
and well
I suppose nuclear fission is "natural".
In other words I do not understand the question.


To determine the natural source most used to generate electricity in the United States, we can look at reliable and up-to-date data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). The EIA is a government agency that collects and analyzes energy data.

To find this information, follow these steps:

1. Go to the official website of the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) at
2. In the search bar located at the top of the homepage, type "electricity generation by fuel in the United States."
3. Click on the relevant search result, such as "Electricity Data - Detailed Tables."
4. Look for the table or section that provides information on electricity generation by fuel type. This table usually lists the fuel types on the left column and their corresponding electricity generation values in the following columns.
5. Look for the fuel type that is considered a natural source, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, or geothermal.
6. Identify the fuel type with the highest electricity generation value.

Please note that this answer can vary depending on the specific time period and the most recent data available. It is recommended to always check reliable sources like the U.S. EIA for the most up-to-date and accurate information.