which of the following show the correct order from smallest to largest

a- community - organism - population-ecosystem
b- organism -population- community -organism
c- population-ecosystem- community-organism
d- organism -community-ecosystem-population

B has 2 organisms and organism is the smallest. From what you have typed, none of them fit.



i just got a 100%

The correct order from smallest to largest is:

d- organism - community - ecosystem - population

To determine the correct order from smallest to largest, we need to understand the hierarchical structure of these terms.

1. Organism: An organism refers to a single living individual.

2. Population: A population consists of a group of organisms of the same species that live in the same area and can interbreed.

3. Community: A community is composed of populations of different species that live and interact with each other in the same area.

4. Ecosystem: An ecosystem includes all the living organisms (communities) in an area, as well as their non-living environment, such as soil, water, and climate.

Now let's evaluate the given options:

a) Community - Organism - Population - Ecosystem: This order is incorrect because it starts with a higher-level term (community) before going down to a lower-level term (organism).

b) Organism - Population - Community - Organism: This order is incorrect because it repeats the term "organism" twice.

c) Population - Ecosystem - Community - Organism: This order is also incorrect because it starts with a higher-level term (population) before going down to a lower-level term (ecosystem).

d) Organism - Community - Ecosystem - Population: This order is correct. It starts with the basic unit, which is the organism, then moves up to the community level, followed by the ecosystem level, and ends with the highest level, which is the population.

Therefore, the correct answer is option d: Organism - Community - Ecosystem - Population.

thebeast1089 is wrong I got ALL OF THEM WRONG BUT ONE here are the real answers for Diversity and Change Quick Check 7th grade conexus

Which lists the parts that make up the biosphere, from smallest to largest?
Answer: organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome

Why are most plants that grow in the tundra small with thin, wax-covered leaves?
Answer: The plants need to survive the year-round dry conditions.

Which of the following is a common pioneer species?
Answer: deer

In which situation will primary succession most likely occur?
Answer: Sheets of ice that once covered an area melt away, exposing a layer of rock.

Which statement describes a difference between primary and secondary succession?
Answer: Secondary succession occurs over a shorter time period than primary succession.

I hope this helps