An organism's particular role in its habitat, or when and how it survives, is called its

An organism's particular role in its habitat, or when and how it survives, is called its ecological niche. The ecological niche of an organism encompasses various aspects including its biological requirements, interactions with other species, and the ways it adapts to its environment. To understand an organism's ecological niche, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the species: Determine the organism you are studying or interested in understanding its ecological niche.

2. Habitat analysis: Study the specific habitat or environment in which the organism lives. Consider the physical, chemical, and biological factors that make up the habitat.

3. Determine the organism's requirements: Explore the organism's physiological, nutritional, and reproductive needs. This includes factors like temperature range, food sources, water availability, shelter requirements, and mating conditions.

4. Assess interactions with other species: Investigate how the organism interacts with other organisms in its environment. This includes examining its relationships with predators, prey, competitors, and symbiotic partners.

5. Consider the organism's adaptations: Identify the specific adaptations that the organism has developed to survive in its habitat. These adaptations can be physical, behavioral, or physiological in nature.

By considering these factors, you can gain a thorough understanding of an organism's ecological niche – its specific role and requirements within its habitat.

or, better yet, try studying.

Doing one's own studying is best, that's for sure.

I removed Jolyne's raft of answers, but I know how to find her again. Any more posting of all answers will get her banned.