When you flip a biased coin the probability of getting a tail is 0.38.

Find the probability of getting a head.

umhhh, what is 1 - .38 ?

When you flip a biased coin the probability of getting a tail is 0.39.

Find the probability of getting a head.

The probability that Gavin wins in a raffle is given by the expression

Write down an expression for the probability that Gavin does not win.


To find the probability of getting a head when flipping a biased coin, we first need to understand that the sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes must equal 1. In this case, there are two possible outcomes - getting a head or getting a tail.

Let's denote the probability of getting a head as "P(H)" and the probability of getting a tail as "P(T)". We know that P(T) = 0.38, as given in the question.

Since there are only two possible outcomes, the probability of getting a head can be found using the equation:

P(H) + P(T) = 1

Substituting the given probability for getting a tail:

P(H) + 0.38 = 1

Now, we can solve for the probability of getting a head:

P(H) = 1 - 0.38
P(H) = 0.62

Therefore, the probability of getting a head when flipping the biased coin is 0.62.