feeds on butterflies

inflates itself when scared
lays eggs
lives close to a lake
burrows in the ground
appears to have a greenish-brown skin color​
communicates through sounds
This is a short-horned lizard, correct?

probably because no one around at the moment is familiar with this material.

What does google have to say about short-horned lizards?

I mean ig it is. Thx.

Why won't anyone answer?

No, the description you provided does not match that of a short-horned lizard. Based on the characteristics you mentioned, it seems like you are describing a frog or toad. Let's break down the information to see how we arrived at this conclusion.

1. Feeds on butterflies: While lizards may eat insects, butterflies are not typically a significant part of their diet. However, frogs and toads often feed on insects, including butterflies.

2. Inflates itself when scared: When threatened, some frogs and toads have the ability to puff themselves up to appear larger as a defense mechanism. This behavior is not commonly observed in lizards.

3. Lays eggs: Both frogs and toads lay eggs in water, while lizards give birth to live young or lay eggs on land. The reference to laying eggs suggests a frog or toad.

4. Lives close to a lake: Frogs and toads are amphibians that require water for breeding and habitat. They are often found near lakes, ponds, or other bodies of water. Lizards, on the other hand, tend to inhabit drier environments.

5. Burrows in the ground: While some lizards may dig burrows, it is more characteristic of amphibians like frogs and toads to burrow in the ground for shelter and protection.

6. Greenish-brown skin color: Many species of frogs and toads exhibit greenish or brownish skin colors. Lizards come in a wider range of colors and patterns but are not typically associated with a solely greenish-brown skin color.

7. Communicates through sounds: Frogs and toads are well-known for their ability to produce various types of vocalizations, including croaks and calls, to communicate with one another. Lizards primarily rely on visual displays and gestures rather than vocal communication.

Based on these observations, it suggests that the animal you described is more likely to be a frog or toad rather than a short-horned lizard.