Find the product.

3. 8 2/5 * 5 1/2
A. 46 1/5
B. 40 1/5
C. 40
D. 40 2/5

4. Evaluate the expression for x=3 3/4
8x + 8
a. 30
b. 128
c. 14
d. 38

5. A bag of fertilizer weighs 6 1/2 lb. How much does 1 1/3 bags of fertilizer weigh.
A. 5 1/6 lb.
B. 6 1/6 lb.
C. 7 5/6 lb.
D. 8 2/3 lb.

6. Find the quotient.
6 (divided by) 1/5
A. 1 1/5
B. 1/5
C. 5/36
D. 30

Where are your attempts to do these?



To solve these problems, we will need to apply some basic mathematical operations. Here's how to solve each of the problems:

3. To find the product of two mixed numbers, we multiply the whole numbers, multiply the fractions, and then add the products. In this case, we have:
8 2/5 * 5 1/2

To multiply the whole numbers, we have 8 * 5 = 40.
To multiply the fractions, we have (2/5) * (1/2) = 2/10 = 1/5.

Now, we add the two products together: 40 + 1/5.

The answer is C. 40.

4. To evaluate the expression for a given value of x, substitute that value into the expression and simplify. In this case, we have:
8x + 8

Substitute x = 3 3/4 into the expression:
8(3 3/4) + 8

To multiply a whole number by a mixed number, we first convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. 3 3/4 is equivalent to 15/4. Then, we multiply:
8(15/4) + 8

120/4 + 8
30 + 8

The answer is a. 38.

5. To find the weight of 1 1/3 bags of fertilizer, we need to multiply the weight of one bag by 1 1/3. In this case, we have:
1 1/3 * 6 1/2

To multiply the whole numbers, we have:
1 * 6 = 6.

To multiply the fractions, we have:
(1/3) * (1/2) = 1/6.

Now, we add the two products together: 6 + 1/6.

The answer is B. 6 1/6 lb.

6. To find the quotient of a number divided by a fraction, we can multiply the number by the reciprocal of the fraction. In this case, we have:
6 / (1/5)

To find the reciprocal of 1/5, we flip it: 1/5 becomes 5/1.

Now, we can multiply: 6 * (5/1).

Simplifying, we have:

The answer is D. 30.