Wayw of controlling fullness


Happy Sunday to everyone!
We are in the middle of an ice-storm in Central Ontario Canada at the moment.
I will sign off now so I can make a pot of tea, sew some darts, and perhaps pop a bowl of popcorn !


Drink Water before a meal.... it will fill you up sooner : )

Or as I did last night, eat popcorn before supper.

Nummy! Great choice! Fills you up, and gives added fibre : )

In home ec, I think the answers are darts or gathers. Sewing terms.

Although, I have to say, popcorn has more appeal right now!

bobpursley is right i did the same

Ms Pi, that is rather unnecessary for you to make a comment like that, especially because it is revealing your address. Students copy actions, whether they're on this site or not.

Sorry I meant location, not address, though that can happen too...

Controlling fullness is closely tied to managing our eating habits and making conscious choices when it comes to food intake. Here are some ways to control fullness:

1. Portion control: Be mindful of the amount of food you consume at each meal. By controlling portion sizes, you can avoid overeating and allow your body to feel satisfied without feeling overly full.

2. Balanced meals: Aim to have a mix of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) in your meals. Including protein, fiber, and healthy fats can help you feel more satiated and prevent you from overeating.

3. Slow down your eating: Take your time when eating and chew your food thoroughly. This gives your body a chance to register fullness and sends signals to your brain that you've had enough to eat.

4. Drink water: Sometimes we confuse thirst with hunger, which leads us to eat more than necessary. Stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day, which can help control your appetite and prevent overeating.

5. Mindful eating: Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Eat when you're hungry and stop when you feel satisfied, rather than waiting until you're overly full.

6. Eat more whole foods: Fill your meals with nutrient-dense whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. These foods tend to be lower in calories and higher in fiber, which promotes fullness and helps control overeating.

7. Avoid distractions while eating: When we eat while watching TV, scrolling through our phone, or working at our desk, we often become disconnected from our body's cues of fullness. Focus on your meal and enjoy the eating experience without distractions.

Remember, it's essential to listen to your body and adjust these strategies according to your own needs and preferences. Everybody is unique, and finding a balance that works for you may require some experimentation and self-awareness.