Microsoft Word - Tables and Smart Art - Escape Room!

Answer all of the questions. Enter the code at the end (the answer to each question : example ACBA) ...earn more points for class!
What is Smart Art used for? *
1 point
A. To make it pretty
B.To make it pretty and organize information
What tab do you find Smart Art under on Microsoft Word? *
1 point
A. File
B. Design
C. Insert
Why use a Thesaurus?
1 point
A .help find the meaning of a word
B. help find a word that means the same or a similar word
C. help find the spelling of a word
Using synonyms can help make your writing more... *
1 point
A. understandable
B. boring
C. interesting
Bonus! Can you make a Smart Art Chart 3D? *
1 point
A. yes
B. no
Your first and last name
What is the code? Example - AAABB *
1 point

To answer the questions:

1. What is Smart Art used for?
Answer: B. To make it pretty and organize information.

To find this answer, you can open Microsoft Word and click on the "Insert" tab. Look for the "SmartArt" button in the "Illustrations" group. Hover over the buttons to read their tooltips, or click on "SmartArt" to have a closer look. It is clear that Smart Art is used to make visual representations that can enhance the appearance and organization of information.

2. What tab do you find Smart Art under on Microsoft Word?
Answer: C. Insert.

To find this answer, you can open Microsoft Word and observe the different tabs available at the top of the window. Locate and click on the "Insert" tab, and you will see a variety of options for inserting different elements into your document, including SmartArt.

3. Why use a Thesaurus?
Answer: B. Help find a word that means the same or a similar word.

To find this answer, you can open Microsoft Word and type in a word of your choice. Highlight the word, right-click on it, and select "Synonyms" from the context menu. A list of alternative words will appear, helping you find words with similar or related meanings.

4. Using synonyms can help make your writing more...
Answer: C. Interesting.

To find this answer, you can experiment with different words in your writing. Replace certain words with their synonyms and evaluate how it affects the overall interest and engagement in your writing.

Bonus! Can you make a Smart Art Chart 3D?
Answer: A. Yes.

To find this answer, you can open Microsoft Word, click on the "Insert" tab, and then click on the "SmartArt" button in the "Illustrations" group. Once the SmartArt gallery opens, select any 3D SmartArt graphic, such as "3D Cylinder." This demonstrates that it is indeed possible to create a 3D SmartArt chart.

The code for this Escape Room is ACBCA.