im slightly confused on these questions it not multiple choice it where i have to explain it but i dont really know how

4m – y for m = -3 and y = 4

(d+g)/h for d = 6, g = 10, and h = 4

huh? Just plug in the numbers.

4m-y = 4(-3)-4 = -12-4 = -16
(d+g)/h = (6+10)/4 = 16/4 = 4

ok thanks oobleck

No problem, I can help you understand how to answer these questions that require explanations. Let's go through each question step by step:

For the first question, you are given an expression 4m - y and you need to evaluate it when m = -3 and y = 4.

Step 1: Substitute the values of m and y into the expression.

Replace m with -3 and y with 4 in the expression 4m - y:
4(-3) - 4

Step 2: Simplify the expression using the values provided.

Evaluate the multiplication first:
-12 - 4

Step 3: Perform the subtraction operation.

-12 - 4 = -16

So, when m = -3 and y = 4, the value of 4m - y is -16.

Now, moving on to the second question:

For the expression (d+g)/h, you are given d = 6, g = 10, and h = 4, and you need to find its value.

Step 1: Substitute the values of d, g, and h into the expression.

Replace d with 6, g with 10, and h with 4 in the expression (d+g)/h:
(6 + 10)/4

Step 2: Perform the addition operation within the parentheses.

6 + 10 = 16

Step 3: Continue simplifying the expression.


Step 4: Perform the division operation.

16/4 = 4

So, when d = 6, g = 10, and h = 4, the value of (d+g)/h is 4.

By following these steps, you can explain and evaluate expressions even without multiple-choice options.