On which atom are the lone pair of electrons located (for H2O)?- Answer this individually and thoroughly

How many single, double or triple bonds does it contain?- Answer this individually and thoroughly

This forum does not allow us to draw structures but here is a link that will allow you to see the Lewis electron dot structure of H2O. You see two single bonds between H and O and you see two sets of unpaired electrons on the oxygen atom. Due to the difference in electronegativity between O and H, the electrons in the OH bond are drawn closer to O than to H; therefore, the O has a slight negative charge and the two H atoms have a slight positive charge. Thus, H2O is a polar molecule.


To determine on which atom the lone pair of electrons are located in H2O, we need to examine the Lewis structure of the molecule. The Lewis structure shows the arrangement of atoms, as well as the location of electrons within the molecule.

1. Lewis structure of H2O:
- Oxygen (O) is the central atom, being more electronegative than hydrogen.
- Hydrogen (H) atoms are bonded to the oxygen atom.

According to the octet rule, each hydrogen atom wants to have a full outer shell of electrons with two electrons. Oxygen seeks to have a full outer shell with eight electrons. This means that both hydrogen atoms need to share their electrons with oxygen to achieve stability.

2. Lone pair of electrons:
In the Lewis structure of H2O, we find that oxygen forms two sigma (σ) bonds with the hydrogen atoms. However, oxygen needs two more electrons to complete its octet. These additional two electrons are present as a lone pair on the oxygen atom.

Hence, in H2O, the lone pair of electrons is located on the oxygen atom.

Moving on to the second part of your question:

To determine the number of single, double, or triple bonds in H2O, we again refer to the Lewis structure.

1. Lewis structure of H2O:
We have established that there are two sigma (σ) bonds between the oxygen atom and the hydrogen atoms.

2. Bond types:
A sigma (σ) bond is a single covalent bond, formed by the direct overlap of atomic orbitals. In H2O, as there are two sigma (σ) bonds, we have two single bonds.

Therefore, H2O contains two single bonds and no double or triple bonds.

To summarize, in H2O, the lone pair of electrons is located on the oxygen atom, and it contains two single bonds.