what is biology?

As oobleck says, the best first place to try on general questions like this is google.

You will find many examples, illustrations, discussions, and videos.


Biology is the scientific study of living organisms, including their structure, function, evolution, and interactions with their environment. It is a broad field that encompasses a wide range of topics such as cells, genetics, physiology, ecology, and evolution.

To understand what biology is, you can start by learning about its different branches and sub-disciplines. These include molecular biology, microbiology, botany, zoology, ecology, genetics, and many more. Each branch focuses on specific aspects of living organisms and provides a deeper understanding of their characteristics and behavior.

To explore biology further, you can read textbooks, watch educational videos, listen to podcasts, or attend biology lectures. Online resources such as reputable websites, online courses, and scientific journals can also be valuable sources of information. Additionally, joining biology-related clubs or organizations and participating in hands-on experiments or field trips can provide practical experience and enhance your understanding of the subject.

Remember, biology is a vibrant and ever-evolving field, so it is important to stay updated with the latest research and discoveries. Don't hesitate to ask questions and seek answers through reliable sources to deepen your knowledge of biology.