Calculate The Value Of g At 1000m Above The Surface Of The Earth.The radius Of The Earth Is 6378.1km.

Calculate the value of go at1000 me above the surface of the earth. The radius of the Earth is 6378.1km.

in gerad 10 ?

now you have dg, you can find the new value of g.

Or, since
g = (GMM)/r^2
oldg = GMM/6378.1^2 = 9.8
newg = GMM/6379.1^2 = 9.8 * (6378.1/6379.1)^2

calculate the value of g at 1000m above the surface of the earth. The radius of the earth is 6378.1km

I wont in gerad 10 formula

g proportional to 1/ r^2

m g = k M m /r^2
g = k M /r^2
dg/dr = - k M (2 r)/ r^4 = -2 k M /r^3
k M/r^2 = g
dg/dr = -2 g/r
dg = - 2 g dr/r
dg = -2 g * 1 km / 6678.1 km
dg = - g (2 / 6678.1)
not a lot :)

thats way to much

calculate the value of g at 1000m above the surface of the earth. The radius of the earth is 6378.1km

๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Do it

Calculate the value of g at 1000m above the surface of earth